Regional improvement groups
There are 8 regional improvement groups. Each group is overseen by a director in the region and focuses on a key priority of the branch. All have action plans and report regularly into the executive branch.
For more information on any of our regional improvement groups email
LDA, SEND and transition
Improving outcomes for people with learning disabilities, autistic people and those young people who need support into their adult lives.
A new priority for 2024/25 that will be overseen by the care markets and learning disabilities and autism community of practice.
In 2024/25 we will:
- focus on developing a better understanding around the transition and needs of those young people who move from childrens to adults services, including experience, support offer and cost versus quality
- develop joint work with health including workforce, training and development and identifying joint commissioning opportunities
- focus on defining what good looks like – training, assessment and review
- develop a better understanding of the existing and future market supply
Quality assurance
Support to deliver effective governance and prepare for CQC assessment.
In 2023/24 we have:
- designed and delivered training for over 100 middle managers on assurance
- developed a waiting list management checklist
- facilitated a review of self-assessments including a regional workshop
- shared learning on cqc pilots
- further develop our pre and post assurance support offer to councils, inc bespoke work and toolkits around audit
- work with our co-production network to develop our “learning from feedback” from those who draw on care and support
- develop our learning from assessments as they are published, drawing out areas for regional focus, e.g. transitions and edi
- develop our tools in relation to supporting councils to manage risks, e.g. waiting lists
Sector-led improvement
Councils supporting each other to improve adult services.
In 2023/24 we have:
- carried out 2 peer reviews using our new methodology
- completed 9 annual challenge conversations.
- supported 4 councils to prepare for their cqc assessments
- hosted over 70 regional meetings and 13 shared learning events
- implement our regional sli cycle to ensure it offers councils more opportunity for constructive peer feedback and challenge, including offering bi-annual externally led challenge conversations, peer-led self-assessment reviews and targeted peer reviews
- post assessment support offer to councils through “buddies” matching scheme
- continue to develop the regional networking through regional implement groups communities of practice
Principal social workers
Developing excellent social care practice.
In 2023/24 we have:
- developed a regional practice framework and auditing implementation
- a regional report on the role of the PSW
- developing new tools for peer audits and Reviews
In 2024/25 we will:
- continue preparedness for CQC assessment through defining PSW role, developing tools and supporting staff
- develop the peer audit tools and peer review guidance
- develop an annual report on social work practice in the East Midlands
- continue focus on responding to local and national priorities and feedback that impacts on practice
Care markets
Delivering a strong sustainable market.
In 2023/ 24 we have:
- regional benchmarking reports on care homes and home care
- piloted provider-led reviews and drafted a toolkit
- peer support for use of grants, MSIF and ARF
In 2024/25 we will:
- launch and roll-out of the provider led review toolkit
- deep dives into different market segments starting with nursing care and LDA
- share approaches and best practice around fee setting, commissioning practice and quality oversight
- refresh regional provider failure protocol
Promoting the recruitment and retention of a strong diverse and skilled workforce.
In 2023/24 we have:
- overseen the international recruitment programme
- planned an EDI workshop
- promoted the use of WDS
In 2024/25 we will:
- focus on EDI, including promoting diverse by design and the workforce race equality standard
- support the retention of qualified social workers by comparing workforce data, considering regional approach to use of agency and costs and evaluating the apprenticeship model
- increase our understanding of our councils internal workforce by collecting and comparing data
Finance and performance
Supporting Councils to make best use of their available resources.
In 2023/24 we have:
- developed and delivered a regional quarterly data set
- deep dive in hospital discharge data
- contributed to national metric development inc waiting list survey
In 2024/25 we will:
- continue to develop and interrogate our regional dataset, carrying out deep dives and highlighting areas to interest to branch
- offer mutual support around emerging challenges eg section 114, fee uplifts, year-end and client level data
- continue our maximising income project looking at CHC, joint funding, charging and section 117
- look for opportunities to create consistency of reporting and maximising digitalisation
Impact waiting well
Understanding and improving the experience of waiting for social care.
In 2023/24 we have:
- carried out a survey with stakeholders
- set up co-owned governance structure
- held locality workshops to co-produce priorities for action
In 2024/25 we will:
- focus on coproducing guidance, frameworks and/or toolkits on:
- effective asset mapping
- develop waiting well packs for citizens
- develop a waiting well guidance for staff